Saturday Civilities: Part 9
81. Be not Curious to Know the Affairs of Others neither approach those that Speak in Private.
82. Undertake not what you cannot Perform but be Careful to keep your Promise.
83. When you deliver a matter do it without Passion & with Discretion, however mean the Person be you do it too.
84. When your Superiors talk to any Body hearken not neither Speak nor Laugh.
85. In Company of these of Higher Quality than yourself Speak not til you are asked a Question then Stand upright put of your Hat & Answer in few words.
86. In Disputes, be not So Desirous to Overcome as not to give Liberty to each one to deliver his Opinion and Submit to the Judgment of the Major Part especially if they are Judges of the Dispute.
87. Let thy carriage be such as becomes a Man Grave Settled and attentive to that which is spoken. Contradict not at every turn what others Say.
88. Be not tedious in Discourse, make not many Digressions, nor repeat often the Same manner of Discourse.
89. Speak not Evil of the absent for it is unjust.
90. Being Set at meat Scratch not neither Spit Cough or blow your Nose except there’s a Necessity for it.
(Click here to read Rules 71-80; for an introduction to Washington’s Rules see here)
*All spelling is original